Yoga on Yamhill Proudly Welcomes Our Newest Teacher...

Sunray Gmeiner-Perez
Sunray is a genderqueer Filipino-American traveling yogi based in the Pacific Northwest. He is a community builder, yoga teacher, and nature enthusiast. He has facilitated and taught at various retreats in the US, Canada and Mexico. He shares his unique perspective of Eastern wisdom and spirituality from a Western point of view, combining elements of Tai Chi and Qigong in his teaching styles. Sunray strives to create spaces for balancing strength, authenticity and self-exploration to help students find personal healing and transformation.

Dear Students...

We Apologize for The Inconvenience...
Hello beloved students..., we are repairing problems with our website. For now, If you can't book your class online, just come on down for class, regardless! We'll work it out, but for now, let's keep doing yoga together!
Technical Note: Mindbody accounts should work to sign in and book classes. Our own Yoga on Yamhill accounts are offline for now 😥. Use the Login/Register link above to sign in using your Mindbody username and password. You should then be able to book classes here as usual or use the Mindbody website or app.
For further questions or help, just email yogaonyamhillpdx@gmail.com and we will help as quickly as we can!

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James
124 SW Yamhill St, Portland, OR 97204, US
(541) 913-8913
(note: this is a teacher's phone, he can't always answer it right away.)